How it works?

Last modified: Apr 07, 2022

Instructor Guide

1.  Create your profile

Create your instructor profile by creating first a user account, then choose “Become an instructor” option in your profile page and fill your profile by your data.

Your profile is the first key to marketing your courses, so let it be a sign of your professionality! Provide only honest information about you and your credentials.

2.  Add your course

Press on the “Dashboard” and choose “Instructor” tab. Press on “+” button then press on “Create course”.

Add your course’s info as a “Draft” without publishing it to users, including relevant photos, intro video, tags, specialization/field, course duration (hours), description, content language, prerequisites, requirements, target audience, sessions’ details as well as exams & certifications which the course prepares for.

As long as you are clear, the student can find your course and you will find your suitable student for your course.

3.  Publish your course

Press on “Publish the course”, so that the student can find it and will know that you are presenting this course, but till now, the course isn’t started and you will still need to create a round under the course to complete the process

You can hide the course anytime by pressing on “Hide the course”, but it will not be hidden if one of its rounds is active and not finished.


After announcing your first round under your course and students have enrolled in it, you will not be able to change the most information of the course (except photos, overview & tags). However, you can create a new course anytime.

4.  Create your first round 

Create your first round as a “Draft”. 

·         You should add details about this course round including: round photos, description, presentation language, location, minimum & maximum number of students to start the round, materials & tools, target gender, payment methods, price, and cancellation policy.


·         The sessions of the round should be added to set the start and the end date of the round. They are added in three possible ways:


-          Session by session: This feature is useful when the weekdays of the sessions are not regular (not the same day(s) every week)


-          Multiple sessions: You can enter the sessions of a round in bulk, it is useful when the days of the sessions are regular (same day(s) every week). Enter the start and end dates of the round, the days of the sessions and the time. Once you click on save, sessions will be generated automatically. You can add the details of the sessions after that by pressing edit on each session.


-          Mix between session by session or multiple sessions.


·         The start date, the duration and number of sessions will be calculated automatically after adding the sessions



It's better to announce the round at least 30 days prior to the start date, to have a chance to get the minimum number of attendees required to start the course.

5.  Open the Round for Registration

The registration phase is to give the chance for the instructor to know if the course will get the minimum number of students to start or not, before opening the course for paying.

·         To open the course for registration, you have to press on “Register”. (Note: the course must be in “Publish” status).


·         Start to market your round to get the required number of attendees need to start it



We recommend waiting till you get registrations 25% more than the minimum number you require to start the round, to have a waiting list.


After announcing your round and students have enrolled in it, you will not be able to change the most information of the round (except photos, overview & location details).



6.  Open the Round for Booking

Now that you are sure that enough students have registered for your round, you can open the round for payment by pressing “Book”. The registered student will be notified by this stage.


·         The attendees can pay through Arqmy’s secured and guaranteed payment tools (check the payment tools availability in your country) or directly to you. Arqmy will guarantee the execution of the payments, according to the cancellation policies that you set in the round, as long as the payment is done through its payment tools and not directly to you. So do not worry, your fees is protected! (For more details: Cancellation policy)


·         If the start date of the round is confirmed and you don’t need to wait for attendees registrations, you can press on “Book” after pressing on “Register”.



·         If you decided to go to the (Book) phase without waiting to get the minimum number of registered students are required to start the round, you’ll be charged 3% (Admission fees) for every refund will be done, if you cancel or postpone the round. You have to pay these fees before you start your next round to avoid your account termination. (For more details: check the Cancellation policy)


·         If you decided to cancel/ postpone/ not to complete the round at any time and the minimum required number of students (or more) booked the round, you’ll be charged 3% (Admission fees) for every refund will be done


7.   Close booking

Use it when you reach the maximum no. of students or when you need to stop booking, by pressing on “Close booking”, so that no one will be able to book in this round.

The book button in the round page will be deactivated automatically, if it is booked by the maximum number of students that you mentioned.

8.  Start the Round and manage the students attendance

·         Press on “Start” to start the round, so that you are able to enter the attendance of the students in the sessions’ page, to message them or to start discussions.


·         At the beginning of each session, click on it and press on “Mark as started” to be able to enter the attendance of each student (Attendant / Absent), and then press on “Mark as finish” when the session is ended. 


·         Students Attendance:

-          You should set the attendance status of each student in each session before marking that the session is finished

-          The student will be notified by his attendance status and if he needs to complain about any status, he can do it by pressing on the “Complain” button. If he doesn’t comment before the next session, it means that he accepts it. 


It’s important to do these actions to save your rights, in case of any complaint.


·         If you didn’t update the attendance status of the students after each session, it will mean that the student attended, so it’s your responsibility. It’s important to do these actions to save you rights, in case of any complaint.

·         You can’t change the date or the time of the sessions, without the acceptance of all the students. If one student or more refuse, you have to compensate him/them by selecting another date or time for him/them before the next session. If you will not do that, the student has the right to refund all his money. (Check the Cancellation policy)


9.  Finish your round

·         Press on “Finish” when the round is ended. The students will receive a notification to confirm that and a link to evaluate the round through our evaluation system.


·         If the student didn’t confirm by evaluating the course and didn’t add any complain about the ending of the round within 48 hours, then it will be considered as confirmed.

10. Receive your round revenue

You will receive the revenue of the round that you finished within 7 working days. Go to “Account” page and press on “Payment info” to add the payment gateway that you prefer to receive your revenue on it after excluding the VAT taxes (only in EU region) and Arqmy fees (check the Payment policy). 

You can know the status of all the transaction from the “Account” page.

11. Your Courses and payments

Under the “Dashboard” page:

-          Student dashboard: you can find your registered or booked rounds that you enrolled in as a student and the cost that you paid.


-          Instructor dashboard: you can manage your courses and rounds as an instructor


-          Reservations:  contains the reservations of the students who paid directly to you and waiting your confirmation.

Under the “Account” page, you can find all what are related to the payments and the way to withdraw your revenue. 

Other features for controlling the round:

-          Delete round: you can delete the round if no one booked it.


-          Postpone the round : you can postpone the start date of the round by pressing on “Postpone the round


-          Postpone the session: you can change the date or the time of a session by pressing on “Edit all the sessions” or “Edit the session” to postpone a specific session editing the session  


-          Cancel the round: you can cancel the round by pressing on “Cancel the round


-          Cancel the session: you can cancel the session by going to the session and press on “Cancel the session”.



Please check the Cancellation policy, to be aware by the cases that you can postpone or cancel without paying fees.


Student Guide

1.    Search for a course

You can search for a course by name, category or name of instructor. You can filter the results among other options by price or location.

2.  Register in the current Round of the Course

You can register for a course round without paying the course fees; however, your registration is still binding. In this step you have to create a personal account and fill in your profile data. Your data privacy is totally protected.

3.  Booking phase

You will receive a notification from Arqmy as soon as this phase has started. You can pay through Arqmy’s secured and guaranteed payment tools (check the availability in your country) or directly to the instructor. The cancellation policy will be clearly stated by the instructor.

 Arqmy will guarantee the execution of these policies as long as you pay through its payment tools. So do not worry, your payment is secured!

4.  The round is started

You will be allowed to attend the course and have access to the round page on Arqmy. There, you can also find your attendance status after each session and you will be notified by it. 

You can discuss the course contents with the instructor and other course participants under each session page.



If you need to complain about your attendance status, you can do it by pressing on the “Complain” button. If you didn’t comment before the next session, it means that you accept it. 

5.  Evaluate the course

After the round is terminated, you will be kindly asked to evaluate both the instructor and the course and it will act in the same time as a confirmation on the end of the round. You can complain that the round doesn’t ended using the complaint feature. 


If you didn’t reply within 48 hours by an evaluation or a complaint, the end of the round will be confirmed.

6.  Your Courses and payments

Under the “Dashboard” page, you can find your registered or booked rounds that you enrolled in as a student and the cost that you paid.

Under the “Account” page, you can find all you reservations and payments and the “Cancel booking” button. 



Postpone/Cancel the course and the sessions

The instructor can postpone or cancel the course round or the sessions under special conditions and under the Cancellation Policy, which protect you and the instructor in different situations. (Check the cancellation policy)

Complaint feature

You can complain about the instructor, round, session or any problem related to the course. You’ll find the complaint button in the round and the session page.


For more details about the policies, please check under the Terms page:

·      Payment Policy: Payments, refund and withdrawing

·      Cancellation Policy: Instructor or student cancellation and postpone policy.